Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Little Sis

I have a sister.
She is fun.
Mostly she's just is funny.
We don't hang out much; but when we do- I always end up laughing out loud.
Our last adventure took us to Sam's Club on a lonely Wednesday night. We are two mature almost adults going grocery shopping at the local surplus store. No big deal.
Until Sadie decides she would rather ride than walk ("those babies have it made, I'm doing this their way!") So I watch in hysterics as my 13 year old sister climbs on in.

Sadie attempting to climb into the grocery buggy

Sadie happily settled in the grocery buggy

I could not take pictures of her getting out because I was laughing too hard, and I had to lift her out myself. I guess they should put an age limit on those things. How else are other mature adults going to know that they don't get to ride?
I love hanging out with my nutty sister.


The Titmi said...

I can't believe she grew up!! She was just a babe!

vk said...

You guys are too funny! I have to admit however, I have that EXACT picture of Jacqui in a cart at Target. No joke!

JJ said...

I posted as my mother. I'm the one with the photo of Jacqui in the cart. (I was working on my mother's blog and forgot to sign out).

Jenny said...

You are nicer than me. When she asks if she can ride, I tell her: NO! I guess that is just for moms.

TD said...

What fun. It is always great to have a good laugh.

boandheidi said...

And to think - I let her watch my kids! Sadie is awesome - we love her a ton!

Abby said...

I don't know what's more funny--Sadie's antics or you calling it a "buggy." Y'all must be from the south.

meg said...

You guys are funny! And you are generous to call her an "adult" since she's only 13.

meg said...

Oh, and ps. I'd kill ya' for putting any similar pictures of me on the internet!

Sadie Lou said...

um i am not sure that that first one is the best veiw of my back side so i would appreciate it if you would remove it! but the second one is cute! :)

vk said...

This is your Auntie Verlinda and I didn't know that kids weren't allowed to ride in the carts. I have been pushing my girls since, way back when, and still am. Can you say no, Jenny?


Emma Jo said...

I know I read this, how did I not comment?
Sadie is truly the most fun 13 year old I seems like you guys are always making lots of fun at grocery stores...can I come next time?

Berly said...

I can't believe how grown up she is. She looks beautiful.

Sufoot said...

I miss a LOT. Can you please just give her a ginormous hug from me? There's a lamb...